Caravan’s library performances highlight the joys of creativity, imagination and the love of reading. Programs feature wildly original hand-crafted puppets, engaging productions an exciting stories from folklore, literature and original (us!) sources.
We are available year- round for programming!
We are excited and inspired by the 2024 reading theme (which is decribed below in the yellow section).
“Read Renew Repeat!”
A perfect theme who love a good folktale (such as, “3 wishes!”) and the imparting of positive lessons (such as, “if first you don’t succeed, try try again!”)
The yellow section below holds more information.
References are readily available!

Jonathan and Karen could not have been any better. Children and parents alike were thrilled with the performance. The program was engaging, educational, and truly interactive. The puppets were a treat to look at. Jonathan explained how many of the puppets were made with found objects. The following Storytime two sisters each brought a puppet they had made. Their grandmother said that one of the girls had seen an open pod on the ground and declared it to be a pig’s nose. Their puppets were imaginative and completely inspired by Caravan!
Paula SapseChildren's Services Coordinator Minor Memorial Library, Roxbury, CT
Your puppets are beautiful! The children seemed to really enjoy the show. It's rare that they're so engaged for the whole performance!.
May LoChildren's Librarian, Boston Public Library (Copley branch)
Read, Renew, Repeat!
2024 summer reading theme
Celebrating how we learn (“Read, Renew”) and enjoyinig taking the time to get things right (repeat!)!
World-wide, the great folk-tales follow a similar pathway to learning, “If your patient and you keep trying…. you’ll succeed!!”. In Caravan’s 2024 Summer Reading production, we have gleefully built up a collection of “Read, Renew, Repeat” stories for young audience enrichment and entertainment!
“Read, Renew, Repeat” is big interaction (3 Wishes, Three Little Pigs, Three Bully Goats Gruff!) and Caravan’s classic gorgeous hand-crafted puppets!
So…… take the time to visit your library and……
read, renew, repeat!
Read, Renew, Repeat!!

Some of our past library summer reading themes

(Summer 2021) “Anansi and the Snake”.

(Summer 2020) The Three Little Pigs

(Summer 2020) Pegasus!

(Summer 2020,) The Sleeping Dragon (A Chinese legend)!

“Tokoyo” from “TALES OF TRAILS!”